The Empire of Haliahra was a massive empire situated to the east of Scorbia, nestled between the mountains and a fertile river valley. Though now collapsed after generations of war and mismanagement, Halinahra once rivaled the Scorbus Empire in size and power, thanks in part to its massive human population.
Haliahra was an Oligarchy ruled by a dark elven upper class. Below them, humans and other "inferior" races worked and served as commoners and slaves. Naturally this dynamic fueled conflict between the races in all the successor states of Elondia, including in Haliahra, and led to the events of the Age of Men and Strife between 1000 and 400 B.E. The primary language of the region was Pattenuo, the tongue of the region's commoners. Viewed by their Aeldari speaking masters as a "dirty peasant's language", many of the speakers of the language viewed its usage as an art form and as a symbol of independence from their foreign rulers. Both Aelfor races, dark elves and wood elves, are worshipers of the sun and moon; in Haliahrah they are known as Luar & Gronnoy. The wood elves solely worship the moon, but the dark elves hail to both, and the Haliahran Emperor is responsible for the balance between them.
Many times the two empires, Human Scorbus and Elven Haliahrah, went to war with one another. The rivalry between Haliahra and Scorbia was more than just of size, but culture and race as well. The two empires often fell into and out of skirmishes, with a genuine war arising between the nations once every couple of human generations. Finally, In order to gain the power needed for final victory against Scorbus, the Sun God Emperor General Jiyuk III broke the balance between the gods, seeking Gronnoy's boons without regard for Luar. The years of conflict left both empires weakened. At one point, Sun God Emperor General Jiyuk III did manage to march her armies deep into the heart of Scorbia, but was eventually deterred. In addition to her defeat, the betrayal of the gods brought natural disaster and destruction upon Haliahra, culminating in the eruption of the Dionasta Volcano. The eruption tore the nation in two, and though it wasn't the final nail in the Empire's coffin, it made the nation weak and vulnerable.
The collapse itself was not a sudden violent event, but rather the gradual integration of subservient races into government offices left open by the dwindling number of remaining elves. States seceded from the throne and former vassals rose up. The abolishment of the Haliahran imperial military, which was a caste of its own, cast many of its former knights out of work. Now they wander the countryside, willing to offer their considerable military skill to the warlord with the highest pay. Meanwhile, former Haliahran nobles have infiltrated the Scorbian upper class, crippling its economy and exposing the weaknesses of their former rivals to the rest of the world.