There’s a lot more that goes into completing a campaign than defeating a few foes. You have to survive long enough to even get there, and Mortal Reins presents players with plenty of challenges to their character’s survival. Characters have pools for both mental and physical health. Mental damage can be recovered more easily than physical, with a day's rest recovering all mind points in full. Physical damage recovers slower, and can have permanent effects based on the severity of the injury. Damaged or missing limbs come with disadvantages, but can be overcome with magic or prosthetics.
In addition to injury, players may have to overcome exhaustion, illness, infection, or even madness when exposed to unsanitary or traumatizing conditions. If a character lacks sleep, food, or pushes themselves too hard they can become exhausted. Each point of exhaustion removes a point from the player’s maximum mind and body pools, as well as from every skill check until the player either rests off the exhaustion, or they run out of mind or body points and are forced to pass out for 12 hours. Injury or exposure to unsanitary conditions and people may cause infection or disease. Left unchecked, these conditions can increase in severity and spread. Just as unsanitary conditions can lead to infection, traumatic events may set a character on the path to madness, treatable only through long vacation or indulging in vices.
Mages aren’t safe from the world’s challenges either. Magic is a limited, dangerous, and powerful resource. There are two ways to call upon it: prepared spells, or casting. Those who prepare spells exchange time and money in exchange for the promise of a successful spell. Casters, however, risk failure, injury, and madness in exchange for access to more powerful spells in the heat of the moment.
While not true for all ailments, most can be cured with a sufficient amount of rest. Rest can be taken in the forms of a break, a rest, or a period of recuperation. Breaks are one hour long, and can be taken every 6 hours, or when a character reaches 0 mind Points. Breaks allow for small amounts of healing and arcana recovery. Rest periods are a day long, and allow for the healing of more intense injuries and conditions, along with applying a well-rested bonus to players. Finally, recuperation periods last for 3 days and can heal all non-permanent injuries, most conditions, and even a few points of madness.